Desk research is a commonly used technique for organizations that have little budget to pursue a study or research. And also, it is a proper tool for gathering data when a company intended to enter to new markets.
Desk research is based on any intelligence or data that already exists. Main resources for preparing this kind of reports are including:
• Internet research
• Market research reports
• Libraries
• Trade associations
• Industry Experts
• Government Statistics
• The Press
Market research studies is known to have restively high cost, but the companies are ready to pay the cost, because wrong marketing strategy may cause more disaster situation.
We recommend to handle the risk of entering in to any market to use a less cost and practical approach. Our proposal is to use desk research reports. In this way, we will reach basic and practical information to make crucial decisions.

Desk Research + In-Depth Interviews (IDI)
In order to complete desk reports in term of more up to date information, or to give exact and sharp indexes, we offer In-Depth Interview (IDI) research. This research type is completing Desk reports weakness point and usually done with the Market experts and specialists. While the cost of providing these researches in slightly higher, but in general consideration these types of research are among cost –less studies.
To conducting these types of researches, we primary should have a look at desk research to understand how well required information is met, what will be done then is to cover remaining requirements by conducting IDI sessions with experts and specialists.
For example, Industry and business associations are a great source of information. Many trade bodies give their members access to industry statistics and reports.

Another source of data is provided through direct contact with organizations and individuals who have knowledge of a particular field. This sort of approach strays outside desk research in the strictest sense. However, a two-way traffic between sources (which identify potential contacts) and expert interviewing (to identify sources) is a means of getting the most value from desk research at little extra cost (possibly at a saving if sources are identified more efficiently).